Things You Should Know About Sciatica

Your body is a network of interconnected functions and processes. It is a vessel of organs and systems that works together. Your body includes various systems. It includes your digestive system, endocrine system, and nervous system. They have sole functions. However, they have interrelated processes. 

For example, your digestive system supports your immunity. It means your digestive system does not only grind and process the food you eat. It also influences the ability of your body to fight infection. 

Additionally, your endocrine system collaborates with your nervous system to send and process messages from different parts of your body. Your endocrine system includes your glands that produce hormones. 

These glands include your pituitary gland, ovaries, testes, and pancreas. 

Your hormones act as your chemical messenger. 

After creating your hormones, it travels throughout your body. It reaches your different organs through your bloodstream. Alongside your nervous system, your body makes reactions to signals from your hormones and nerves. It means you get to digest food, move your arms, dance, and jump because of your interconnected body systems. Moreover, you cannot be productive at work. Also, you cannot pass your tests in school without the collaboration of your endocrine and nervous systems. 

Another component of your nervous system is your nerves. Your nerves carry your neurons. Neurons are your chemical carriers of stimuli and reactions. For example, you look for a jacket or a cup of hot beverage when the environment is cold. Your body knows it is cold when your neurons inform your brain. These messages can say that there is a drop in temperature. Your brain then reacts according to these messages carried by your neuron. Your neurons transmit the command to move your arms to reach for a coat. 

Indeed, your nerve health is relevant for various activities. You need to take care of it like other parts of your body. 

What Is A Nerve? 

Your nervous system is complex. It processes sensory messages. Also, it creates reactions to stimuli. Your nervous system handles reactions to various stimuli. For example, touching a hot surface makes your brain order your hand to remove itself from the hot surface. There can be an instance when you may not feel it at all. That is why you need to keep your nerve health in good shape. 

Additionally, the main parts of your nervous system include your brain. Also, it includes your spinal cord and nerves. 

Your brain and spinal cord are part of your central nervous system. Information processing happens in this division of your nervous system. Your brain receives information from your nerves. In return, your brain processes it and decides on appropriate reactions. On the other hand, your spinal cord is the main branch. It is where your nerves connect to different parts of your body. 

Your spinal cord extends nerves to different parts of your body. 

Your nerves are part of your peripheral nervous system. It serves as the pathway of messages to and from the brain. 

Nerve Trivia 

There is no definite record of the exact number of nerves in your body. However, Healthline states that there are billions in your brain alone. The source says that there are hundreds of billions of nerves in your brain alone. Additionally, there are millions of nerves in your spinal cord. 

Additionally, another source reveals there are trillions of nerves in your body. 

Another trivia about your nerves are the three parts of your neurons. A neuron includes a dendrite and an axon. Another part of the neuron is myelin. Your neurons accept signals through your dendrite. Additionally, your axons send messages to your other neurons. Also, your myelin insulates your axon. 

Furthermore, there are different neurons. They have different functions in your nervous system. 

These neurons include motor neurons and sensory neurons. 

Other neurons include your interneurons and receptor neurons. 

Although all neurons are part of the nervous system, some look different. For example, your motor neurons and sensory neurons have different structures. ;

Your motor neurons are responsible for carrying messages from the brain to different parts of the body. With healthy motor neurons, you will have no problems with motor functions in your body. These motor functions include voluntary and involuntary movements. Voluntary movements include actions you can consciously make. Examples of this include walking and waving your hands. 

With voluntary motor functions, you can write answers on a form. Additionally, voluntary motor movements allow you to succeed in different sports you like. 

On the other hand, involuntary movements like breathing and beating your heart. These are actions beyond your consciousness. It means these motor functions occur even if you do not consciously order these body parts to move. 

Sensory neurons carry messages from your senses to your central nervous system. 

For example, these neurons relay information. This information includes the taste and smell of the food on your plate. 

Also, your receptor neurons receive stimuli like light and sound then send the message to your sensory neurons. 

Moreover, your interneurons transmit messages from one neuron to another neuron. 

Furthermore, your body is a complex yet coordinated structure of systems. For example, your body changes to prepare itself for internal and environmental changes. 

When you decide to perform intense movements, you encounter body changes. It occurs when you run or perform other sports. 

For example, your body prepares itself by increasing your heart rate. Also, it increases your air pathways. That way, you get enough oxygen in your blood. It will help you perform better from the activity. Additionally, it will assist your body to withstand the environmental and internal changes from that activity. 

Important Nerves You Need To Know 

As of now, you should appreciate the functions of the nerves and neurons in your body. 

Here are a few types of nerves you need to know:

Olfactory Nerve

Your olfactory nerve is responsible for smelling your food and environment. This neve stimulates your memory. Also, it triggers the smell recognition power of your brain. 

You may disregard this sense when you have it. Imagine the discomfort you feel when you have a cold. Is it difficult to enjoy your food without a sense of smell? 

Indeed, your olfactory nerve helps you enjoy what life has to offer. However, it is not only there to give you enjoyment. It also helps with survival. How can you know your food is burning on the pan if you do not smell it? By sensing its scent immediately, you prevent burning your food and your house. 

Optic and Oculomotor Nerve

Your optic nerve allows you to use your sense of sight. 

Normally, you have two of these nerves. You have one for each eye. 

What better way to be aware of your environment than seeing it! 

You cannot avoid a punch or a slap on your face if you cannot see the other person who will do the act. Additionally, you cannot make artworks if you cannot see colors and strokes. Also, you cannot express your emotions and write a letter without your sense of sight. 

Another nerve that helps with your sense of sight is your oculomotor nerve. It is responsible for eye muscle movements. That way, your eyes can move and see in different directions. 

Facial Nerve

There are many ways to communicate. You can use verbal or nonverbal communication. For example, communication includes speaking words.

On the other hand, non-verbal communication includes actions aside from verbal communication. For example, you make non-verbal communication through your body movements. Additionally, you make non-verbal communication through facial expressions. 

Through your facial expressions, you get to express your happiness. Also, you express your disagreement with an event or person. 

Accessory Nerve

Your accessory nerve allows you to move your neck. With a flexible neck, you get to twist and turn your head. That way, you get to communicate better with the people you need to talk with. 

Hypoglossal Nerve

Your hypoglossal nerve allows you to utter words. It is responsible for controlling the movement of your tongue. 

Your tongue is responsible for various functions. 

It allows you to taste your food. Additionally, it helps you digest it. 

Moreover, your tongues help you speak. That way, you get to give speeches in school. Also, it allows you to express your opinion. Furthermore, you contribute to your work by sharing your ideas during conference meetings. 

Cervical Nerves

Your cervical nerves allow motor control on the specific part of the body where these nerves branch out from your spinal cord. Also, each cervical nerve permits you to feel sensations to where it reaches. 

Examples of your cervical nerves include your C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, and C6. 

Your C1, C2, and C3 are your first cervical nerves. They control and influence head and neck movements. 

Additionally, your C4 controls the movement of your shoulders. It also affects your diaphragm movements. 

Moreover, your C5 controls your shoulder movements while your C5 affects wrist movement. 

Sciatic Nerve

Your sciatica nerve is the largest in your body. It is a combination of five nerves that starts from your buttocks to your soles. 

What is Your Sciatic Nerve? 

The function of this nerve is to connect your nervous system to the skin and muscles of your thighs, legs, and feet.

Sciatica is any pain that originates from your sciatic nerve health. 

Possible Causes Of Sciatica

Some medical conditions can influence your sciatic nerve health. For example, herniated discs can cause compressions in your sciatic nerve. 

Additionally, Foraminal stenosis can influence your sciatic nerve pain. When the intervertebral tunnel where your sciatic nerve travels narrows, you might get sciatica pain. 

Another cause of discomfort from sciatica pain includes problems with your vertebral alignment. These medical conditions may come with old age. However, other neurological illnesses can result from physical accidents. For example, you may experience sciatica pain after a traumatic injury. 

Moreover, you can experience sciatica pain from the chemical inflammation of your sciatic nerve. According to this source, chemical inflammation of your sciatica nerve may result from leaks of hyaluronic acid from a ruptured or herniated disc. 

Furthermore, immune responses may also result in sciatica pain. 

You can never cure any illness without knowing its cause. That is why you need to visit an expert if you experience pain from your lower spine to your feet. 

The Sciatica Pain Relief Expert To Visit

Sciatica is a symptom of a medical condition relating to your nerves. It means you need to look for an expert in nerve health. A medical professional that specializes in nerve health is a neurologist and neurosurgeon. 

Both specialize in treating neurological disorders. However, a neurologist cannot perform surgery on your brain and spinal cord. Only a neurosurgeon has the license to conduct brain and spinal cord surgery. 

A spinesurgeon LA clinic can offer you sciatica pain relief Los Angeles.

Sciatica Pain Relief From A Neurosurgeon

Get sciatica pain relief Los Angeles with the help of Dr. Mobin. Mobin Neurosurgery employs effective treatments to help you with your sciatica discomforts. 

Sciatica pain relief Los Angeles treatment by this Spine Surgery Los Angeles clinic employs various treatment options. These options range from minimally invasive to surgical resolutions. 

This neurosurgeon Los Angeles clinic will help end your sciatica pain by targeting its cause. Dr. Fardad Mobin has numerous experiences with neurosurgery. 

Moreover, this neurosurgeon LA clinic employs careful and well-planned medical procedures from beginning to your recovery. That way, you experience less pain before and during your treatment. 

Additionally, this neuro surgeon Los Angeles clinic employs various medical treatments for neurological disorders. These treatments include physical therapy and medication for sciatica pain relief. 

Moreover, this neurosurgeon Los Angeles clinic employs postural training and steroid injections for sciatica pain relief Los Angeles. 

When all less-invasive treatments are ineffective, that is when they will suggest a surgical procedure for your sciatica pain relief Los Angeles. 

Additionally, Mobin Neurosurgery can help you with other neurological problems like back pain. Also, they can help you with pinched nerves and herniated discs. 

Get expert treatment for your neurological problems. Get your free consultation now when you message Mobin Neurosurgery!


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