An Effective Cure To Your Migraine Problems

Have you frequently been searching for “migraine relief” on your phone? You are not alone. You are part of the millions of people suffering from it. It chooses no gender nor age. 

Chronic headaches may have affected your life for years. Imagine the times at work when you cannot give your all due to headache episodes. Also, the times you miss important occasions because you do not feel well. 

There is such a thing as migraine disability. WHO states that a painful headache is disabling. Migraine alone can negatively impact six years of your life. WHO recognizes the effects of migraines on your wallet due to frequent doctor visits and medication.

Treating migraine can be challenging. It is a recurring illness that can adversely affect how you live your life. To stop or halt its frequent recurrence, you need an expert to fix its root cause. 

Looking for an expert to cure your chronic headaches can be challenging. However, you get your life back when you find the right specialist. 

To find the right person for a consultation, you need to understand more about your headaches. Learning its definition, classifications, and causes helps you find the specialist you need. 

It May Not Only Be Just A Headache 

That throbbing or pulsating pain you feel anywhere in your head is called a headache. You can feel it all over your head or on one side. Regular and unexpected headache episodes can influence your quality of life. 

Headaches can be a symptom of many illnesses. You may experience headaches if you have COVID-19. Alternatively, your headaches may be pointing out a neurological condition. You will never know unless you consult with a doctor.

Additionally, not all headaches are migraines. However, all migraines are headaches. The concept of headache is broader in scope. There are two types of headaches:

Primary Headache 

A primary headache is a type of headache that is not a symptom of any underlying conditions. Overactive pain sensors on your head may cause this type of headache. There are different classifications of primary headaches. They can be tension-type, cluster, or hemicrania. 

A tension-type headache is the most common among the primary headache types. If you feel a pressing force surrounding your head, then you may have this medical condition. The usual trigger of this type of primary headache is stress. Additionally, you may experience sensitivity on your neck, shoulder, or forehead when you get a tension-type headache. 

On the other hand, you may have cluster headaches if you feel a sharp pain on one side of your head. Also, you may feel this type of headache at the back or around your eye. When you notice redness and swelling on the painful side of your head, you may have cluster headaches. From the name, it occurs in clusters or series. Each interval of cluster headache may range from minutes to hours. Imagine not knowing when you will get cluster headaches but you know they will come!

Another uncomfortable feeling is growing pain. Alternatively, you may have hemicrania if you have headaches that progress in intensity. This type of primary headache can last for months. 

Secondary Headache 

Some neurological conditions result in secondary headaches. For example, a brain tumor may be the cause of your frequent headaches. 

On the other hand, a sleeping disorder may be why you have constant headache episodes. 

Alternatively, you may experience a secondary headache when taking medications. 

Additionally, your allergies may be the cause of your chronic headaches. 

When you have high blood pressure, you may have headache attacks. When you experience headaches due to escalating blood pressure, it means you need to seek medical attention immediately. When headaches occur due to rising blood pressure, it means it is dangerously high. You may feel hypertension headaches on both sides of your head. It gets more painful when you perform activities. 

The risk with secondary headaches is that you may mistake it for a primary headache. It can be deadly when you regard a hypertension headache as a primary headache. The best way to prevent complications from underlying medical illnesses is to get a proper diagnosis. The first step to cure is diagnosis. Get a correct diagnosis from a doctor after booking a consultation. 

One of the experts who can help resolve your headache problems is a neurologist or neurosurgeon

How To Know If You Have a Migraine? 

Are you wondering which type of headache migraine is? 

Migraine is a classification of primary headache. Your migraine episodes can be hereditary. It means you may have inherited the genes for it from your parents. However, not all migraines are hereditary. 

Your environment may also influence or trigger migraine attacks. For example, lack of sleep and poor eating habits can cause migraine episodes. Also, hormonal imbalances and lack of fluid intake may result in this type of primary headache.

You may experience migraine on your entire head. However, some people would only feel it on one side of their heads. Whether you only feel it on one side or both, the common thing about it is it is painful and uncomfortable. Pain is a general term. You need to know a more specific description of its symptoms. 

The Stages Of Migraine

The symptoms of migraine attacks can be in four stages. 

The first stage is the Prodrome stage. It is the stage where signs of migraine attacks may occur. It happens one or two days before your migraine episodes.  

The next stage is the Aura stage. If you are suffering from chronic migraine episodes, you may experience altered vision during this stage. This stage occurs before your migraine attacks. Also, it can occur during migraine episodes. You may experience frequent mood swings and constipation in this stage. Also, you may have temporary vision impairment under this stage. The effects of the aura stage are reversible.

You will know you are in the third stage when you feel a throbbing pain on one side or both sides of your head. The attack stage is the time you get the actual migraine episodes. It can last up to 2 days if left untreated. 

At the end of the third stage, you may experience a post-drome. You will feel confused and drained at this stage. During this period, you may not want to move your head. One sudden movement and the headaches may come back again. 

Not all people experience all these four stages. It means your migraine episodes may skip a level or two.

See an expert. That way, you get professional help on any of the stages of migraine. When your headaches become severely painful and intolerable, see a doctor immediately. 

What Causes Your Migraine Episodes? 

There can be many causes of migraine attacks. Experts would say that it is hereditary. It means that if your mom or dad has it, you may be experiencing it soon. 

Alternatively, your lifestyle and environment can also influence your migraine episodes.

For example, there is a connection between migraines and female hormones. Webmd states that low levels of estrogen among women result in migraines. If you will have your period soon or have just given birth, expect some migraine attacks. 

Moreover, your diet can influence your migraine attacks. Excessive alcohol, caffeine, and processed food consumption can trigger migraine episodes.

Furthermore, you need to practice effective stress management to prevent migraine episodes. Stress can offset the hormonal balance in your body resulting in migraines. 

Additionally, your quality of sleep influences your possibility of migraine attacks. Too little or too much sleep is not good. To do this, you can practice relaxation routines before going to bed. 

Furthermore, sudden temperature changes due to climate shifts may trigger migraine attacks. 

Other possible causes of your migraine episodes include medication and physical activities. 

How To Cure Your Migraine? 

There are over-the-counter medications your doctor may suggest you can take for your migraine episodes. Some of those OTC medicines include Aspirin, Naproxen, and Ibuprofen. 

Also, there are some natural ways to prevent or relieve migraine attacks. For example, you can improve your diet. Additionally, you can enroll in yoga classes. Yoga can help you improve your mental and physical well-being aside from reducing your stress-triggered migraines. Additionally, relaxation practices allow you to have a better quality of sleep. 

Alternatively, you can skip self-medication, OTCs, and natural remedies for a more effective treatment for your painful migraines. The safest way to relieve yourself from migraine is through medical consultation. That way, your doctor can look for the root cause of your headache and treat it. 

There is a link between various neurological disorders and the different types of headaches. The best chance to end your suffering from migraines is to consult a neurological expert. 

If you are looking for effective treatment, you can consider searching for a neurosurgeon clinic. There is a neurosurgeon LA clinic that can help you relieve suffering. For example, you can contact the Mobin Neurosurgery Clinic to answer your questions. 

The Connection Between Your Migraine Attacks And Spine

Your spine houses your spinal cord. The spinal cord is part of your central nervous system. There is a connection between your migraine attacks and spine health. Your migraine attacks may point out a problem with your nervous system. 

Your spine connects and supports your brain stem and spinal cord. 

Your spinal cord connects to many nerves throughout the body. Your spinal cord links many nerves to your central nervous system. The condition of your vertebra contributes to the effective delivery of nerve signals from the brain. When internal or external factors influence nerve signals, one side effect can be headaches.

Also, it can influence your mood by affecting the flow of serotonin, one of the hormones produced on the brain stem. Low serotonin levels can result in migraine. 

Moreover, a problem with your spine can influence your posture and balance. A bad posture can affect your self-esteem. Constant issues with self-esteem can result in stress. Chronic stress can contribute to low serotonin production. 

Why Visit An Expert? 

Do your migraine attacks affect your relationship with your loved ones? Do you feel bad for not being 100% available to your family during gatherings? If you have enough Migraines affecting your quality of life, you need to find an expert.

You may be wondering which expert you should see.

You can look for a spine surgery Los Angeles clinic or a neurosurgeon Los Angeles facility. The Mobin Neurosurgery clinic offers a variety of solutions to your headache problems. 

What To Look For In A Neurosurgery Clinic? 

In looking for a neuro surgeon Los Angeles clinic, you need to consider their experience and qualifications. 

Do not be misled by the idea that neurosurgeons only perform brain surgeries. They can cure your migraine attacks. 

There is a difference between a neurologist and a neurosurgeon. Both can treat various neurological disorders. However, only neurosurgeons have the certification and training for brain surgery and spinal cord surgery.

One quality of a good neurosurgeon is that they can treat your migraine through less-invasive treatments before resorting to surgical options. It means an ideal neurosurgeon should prioritize minimal invasive solutions for your treatments. 

Mobin Neurosurgery first exploits non-invasive medical treatments before moving forward with more invasive options. 

A Neurosurgeon Clinic In Los Angeles To Cure Your Migraine

By now, you should know that a spinesurgeon LA can help resolve your migraine episodes. Mobin Neurosurgeon is a reliable neurosurgeon LA clinic you can trust.

Mobin neurosurgery employs modern tools and techniques to resolve various neurological conditions. Some services they provide include spine surgery, disc replacement, pinch nerve treatment, and back pain relief. Additionally, this neurosurgeon LA clinic can help you resolve neck pain and radiculopathy.

Some services the neurosurgeon clinic offers include non-invasive treatment options for illnesses mentioned above. These treatments include physical therapy and medication. Alternatively, Mobin Neurosurgeon may offer surgical options if the non-invasive options do not improve your condition. 

Win against the life-crippling effects of chronic migraine attacks! Mobin Neurosurgery can help you get your life back. All you have to do is book an appointment and talk to a neurosurgeon at the clinic. Book a consultation now!



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